Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Message of hope from a gamer in China

I was most touched to receive this email from a gamer in China I know. So I thought I would share it.


Dear All:
This is Frank from MiniWarfare, China. You received this letter because your email is in my contact book. Among you, there are rule writers, manufacturers, retailers, editors, in US, UK, Italy and so on.

As far as I know, things are very bad in America and Europe. The government asked businesses to shut down and work from home, just as China did 2 months ago. You are in a very difficult time but what I would like to tell you, do not panic, it will be OK.

You know, things are getting better in China. My province has basically returned to normal work. The children will return to school in two weeks. Now we don't need to wear masks outdoors.
In your countries, the population density is lower than in China, and the medical conditions are better than in China, so don't be pessimistic, we can make it, so can you.

Wish you healthy and happy, all of you!




  1. That's a great message.
    But, let's be clear. We have allowed our supply chain dependency to become fractured and overly diversified. We have watched a totalitarian regime attempt to subvert the truth, hide the facts and then ascribe blame outside themselves - for what is in effect a Chinese crisis that has undermined our economies, and potentially our children's futures.
    Were this a company, we would be raising claims.
    Were this a war footing, we would be seeking reparations.
    There is talk that the world will never be the same after this. Perhaps when we wake up, and realise the extent of our folly in handing our manufacturing base over to what is still communist regime, we might see sense.

    1. Thank you for your strong words. Excuse my lack of public response!
