Friday 24 May 2013

A Month in the History of Wargaming Project

Finished editing Donald Featherstone new wargaming book about wargaming commando operations. Got distracted as the MOD was not keen on me requesting the definitive list of commando operations during WWII. It was classified in 1954 under the 100 year rule. Sent the final draft of the book to Stuart Asquith for the foreword. 

Book on British Kriegspiel finally finished after three years work. With Arthur Harman who is taking a final look from his expert knowledge on this subject. Peter Perla agreed to do the foreword. 

Paddy Griffith’s 3 part TV series arrived, well 2 parts of it. I do not have copyright, but it will help my next posthumous book from the Paddy Griffith archives. 

Phil Dunn’s new book, Fire and Fury is coming along nicely. In discussions with the author to finish off this new naval wargaming book. He also wrote for the classic victor comic. 

1000 issues of the model engineer arrived as a donation to the project. Not sure what I am going to do with these. Some of the 1940’s issues are entertaining enough.

Operation Warboard about to be in print. Just need another book shop to pay me for the orders I have already sent them and the business cash flow will then allow the print run to be ordered. 

DBA 2.2  selling nicely. David Constable sent me a playsheet for the rules, which is now on my website. 

Ran a WWII Kriegspiel Operation Sealion at my Bristol wargaming club. The Germans had massive fun being defeated. 

Asked George Gush for the unpublished wargaming stuff he mentioned to add to a new edition of his guide to wargaming. 

Howard Whitehouse working on the wargaming edition of the classic book (edited by Paddy Griffith) Battle in Africa. 

The month ended with me being sent information about Russian wargames from the 1920’s and 1930’s. The one about chemical weapons is sure to be an interesting board game. 

Every month I am reminded just how many people take the time and trouble to contribute to the success of the History of Wargaming project.