The wargame was carried out at the Defence Academy, UK at
the end of August 2014. The participants were military, academics and
specialists in international matters from Canada, USA and the UK. The session
is reported under 'Chatham House Rules', where individuals may not be
Although the term
‘game’ is in the title, the wargame was played to explore the situation and the
test the methodology of Matrix games. The game was in the serious game space
and was not being played for recreation.
The ‘flavour’ of matrix game being used was: Player’s
stating action and its outcome, with as many supporting reasons as possible,
these were others allowed to give arguments to increase or decrease the chance
of failure. Strict umpiring stopped the situation turning into a debate. To
succeed matrix games need to move quickly.
further explanation of Matrix Games and further examples see Matrix Games for Modern Wargaming
Developments in Professional and Education Wargames, Innovations in Wargaming
Volume 2
What to include on the
map and what not to is a critical pre-game decision.
The map was populated
with counters as narrative devices; visual aide memoires rather than accurate
statements of military units. The choice of map and counters influence the
direction of the game. E.g. Syria was not really shown and so the game failed
to reflect the strategic depth of ISIL in Syria. 
Players could argue for additional counters to be generated upon demand, such as mobilising more militias.
The decision was to represent the USA/ Iran/ IS/ Iraq Prime
Minister/ Iraq Shia’s and the Kurds in this particular game.
The game director also threw ideas into the situation, for
example representing non-player assigned factions. The aim of the game was for players
to attempt to create a narrative and if possible build onto the existing narrative.
The players read their hand-outs and then set their own
objectives, based on discussion as each faction was represented by two
people. The dynamic of introducing a 2nd
player into each role was a useful one, but it needs strong moderation to keep
the momentum of the game up.
Game Turn 1: The
amount of time each turn represents was abstract, but the players generally
understood that in this game, each turn was a few weeks.
The Americans opened the game by failing to launch
airstrikes against IS forces. Political indecision, lack of clear targets, no
forces on the ground to direct the strikes etc… (Perhaps reflecting the real
world current indecision of the USA). Iran was the opposite and they started to
deepen the relationship with Iraq by dispatching another ambassador, clearly they
had some long term plan.
IS decisively moved on to Karbala, despite logistics
problems caused by bypassing Ramadi, they rolled a double 6 on two dice and the
outcome was the Iraq army fled and a very surprised IS was in charge of the
Although the Iraq Army had fled, IS was still faced with local Shia Militia. After the game, it turned out this was actually a feint by IS to distract attention from their real plan of spreading their influence into other countries starting with Jordan.
The Iraq Prime Minister continued to attempt to form a
government of national unity, they felt it was essential to get the government
working efficiently if they were to deal with the growing crises.
The Sunni minority carried out a somewhat random attack on a
US warship in port with the somewhat optimistic aim of keeping the USA out of
the Iraq civil war. Historically, such minor attacks have been ineffective
politically, but the Americans never forget those who have attacked the.
The Kurds argued that British and NATO Special Forces moved
into the Kurdish region to liaise with them. They were clearly thinking a few
moves ahead. One of the ways of success in a matrix game is to spend one or two
arguments laying the foundation for future moves. In this case, the Kurds want
to attack but were making preparations first.
Game Turn 2 One
of the post-game discussions was the idea that the game could be run for one
turn to allow those who are unfamiliar to have a go at the game, then the clock
is reset and the game starts again, with everyone familiar with the game
The USA dispatched its special forces into Iraq, but the
state of the Iraq government meant they only got as far as Bagdad with no
authorisation to enter the rest of the country. Iran introduced rumours their troops were entering Iraq to provide support to the Iraq government.
IS took the opportunity to secure Karbala. In game terms
this was resolved using the SCRUD method of combat (basically comparing dice
rolls), but whether a simple dice roll would have been enough to achieved the
same outcome was discussed.
The Iraq PM, now a coalition government of sorts had been
agreed, mobilised Shia militias to retake Karbala. The Sunni minority also tried
a call to arms, but disorganisation and fear led to a poor turnout.
The Kurds received heavy weapons from Iran, with military advisors
to help them use their new weapons effectively. The Kurds were now ready to
drive ISIl back.
Photo showing Iranian
heavy weapons being supplied to the Kurds. Their advisors are represented by
another counter.
Game Turn 3
The USA finally deployed Special Forces to Western Iraq to
gain intelligence. This successful action could give +1 on future dice rolls
for other arguments.
Iran, clearly moved by the humanitarian crisis started sending
aid convoys. Obviously to ensure the safe passage of this aid, Iranian regular
army troops escorted the convoys into Iraq
ISIL successes saw a flood of foreign fighters arriving to
boost their ranks.
Iraq moved troops towards Najaf ready for an offensive.
Sunni militia moved into Karbala, while the Kurds launched
their attack on Mosul. IS fled from the Kurds, but strangely enough a retreat
route had been left open by the Kurds.
At the end of the game, there was a general pause for
discussion in the game. It was obvious that IS had lost momentum.
Game Turn 4
The USA realised that the mobilisation of Iraq army units
protecting the oil fields in the south left the flow of oil very exposed. So
they reacted by sending in international security forces. Of course, in
reality, such forces take a great deal of time to organsie. Iran was very keen
to deploy troops as part of the UN forces, but for some reason the Iraq PM was
not so keen.
launched “Revenge of the Prophet” offensive in an attempt to cut supply routes
to the IS held town of Karbala, but a giant traffic jam delayed their efforts. (The
last time the Iraq army had a large scale move was into Kuwait).
Sunni minority suddenly leapt into action and seized Al Qa’Im,cutting the IS
supply route from Syria. The Kurds were continuing to drive west, pushing back
IS. Game Turn 5
The USA failed with its cyber-attack v IS.
Iran helpfully starting training and equipping Shia Militias.
IS sent
a column out of Tikrit to retake Al Qa’Im (their main supply base), but
American air strikes hit them hard on the approach. However, the remaining IS
forces still managed to retake Al Qa’Im.
Forces strung
out in the desert are very vulnerable to air strikes, if America has the
political will.
forces finally launched a new operation “Son of Heavenly Sword” to retake
Karbala, the scene of heavy fighting- note the weapon counters on the Shia Militia’s to show they have been equipped with extra weapons.
Sunni’s moved their forces to Rutbah. While others were involved in military
action, the Kurds held a snap election to reinforce their position an
independent region within Iraq.
The end
of turn discussion centred around how the Iraq government was finally becoming
effective, even if the Shia Militias were starting to get out of control.
Turn 6 the Final
Turn there
often comes a point in a matrix game where the situation is heading towards a
new stable situation. IS had been forced back, Iraq had a government, the Kurds
had secured their region and Iran had increased its influence in Iraq at
multiple levels. However, to drive IS out would take massive preparations and
would be another matrix game.
The USA air dropped weapons to Sunni Militia, largely as something
to do.
Iran argued for the UN to condemn the USA for airstrikes in Iraq,
but the game facilitaror felt this was so unrealistic, Iran was allowed to make
another argument.
ISIL then finally carried out its master plan and Sunni militants
took to the streets in Jordan and suddenly IS had a new area to start operating
The Iraq PM argued for a ceasefire offer and a meeting about
creating a council of national unity, but with ISIL represented indirectly by a
3rd party. It was finally balanced if the rest of the government
would support the PM, so the facilitator got all the players to vote as it they
were part of the government. The PM’s idea was only just carried through and
the conference was going to happen. Of course, the various militias wanted to
use the final opportunity to retake territory and seek revenge.
discussion, the Hot Wash Up
with relevant experience said the idea of government handling hopping from
crisis to crisis was very realistic. One of the challenges of such games is
moderating player inventiveness, which is essential to allow them to discover unconventional
strategies or ‘black swans’, versus keeping them to exploring the most likely
options for each role. “Should the umpire nudge the game back onto the expected
questions included, “how can a power shape the narrative in the information
age?” “Is there a conflict between bringing the game to a satisfactory
narrative conclusion and breaking the game earlier when the makings of a key
discussion appear (e.g. in this instance IS motivation)?”
players all agreed that in the end the Iraq Civil War would only be solved by secret deals to
conclude a peace.
“It was
a good demonstration of the utility and of the capability of such a tool. A
learning experience, really!”
final words go to a specialist in international matters: “I'm not a huge fan of
Matrix games but I felt the level of buy in and expertise really pushed this
one along, with some great ideas for further development. I'd definitely play
this one again.”
Notes: this game was
run for the purposes of increasing understanding of a complex, difficult and
terrible situation. It was not run for recreational purposes.
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ReplyDeleteAs a history teacher and a person who keeps track of world events, I have loved this Marix game for years and played bits of it a few times myself.